Industrial Flooring – Colored Cement Floors Boston

Industrial Flooring

Colored Cement Floors Boston

I had a client ask me this week about colored cement floors in Boston. He owns restaurants in Massachusetts and Connecticut, and has had issues in the past with keeping the high end image of his restaurants, when the heavy foot traffic and and winter mix of sands and salts destroy his interior floor surface. One of his locations has a light colored Industrial Flooring where you can see everything in his entrance way.

I told him that there are many colored cement floors Boston that have earth tones and a lot of distress in the floor. Many times, with the proper lighting, these floors can hide the dirt and sand that tends to get tracked in during the winter months. When properly sealed or polished they offer long term durability with low maintenance.

Colored Cement Floors Boston Benefits

  • Low maintenanceIndustrial Flooring
  • Durability
  • Eco Friendly
  • Wide range of colors
  • Different Finishes and textures
  • Excellent wear surface

Colored Cement Floors Boston – Areas we serve

Metrocrete offers specialty decorative concrete contractors and artisans in Boston, Chelsea, Somerville, Cambridge, Quincy, and the surrounding areas. Pink’s International has divisions throughout New England. For a free consultation, call us. Images from Scofield.